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Fine Art of Web Design', this session will lift the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show you exactly where they fit in with modern web design. Andy will reveal the lid on web technologies including XHTML, CSS and DOM scripting and show where they fit in with modern web design....

Best Money Making Method 1: Work

The first best way that you can make money is by working. Sometimes you don’t like working; but you know how to work, don’t you? You go to work. You go to your job. You do your job. Each day you add value. You exchange value that you create, and someone pays you for that value. The payment that you get is the reward of your work or your labor.
The payment you receive for your work is the reward of your labor.

Now, the question that I want to ask you is why on earth would anyone pay you to work?

They have the money. You don’t have the money. They don’t have to give it to you. Why would they give you the money? Think about that for a minute.

Why would anybody actually pay you to work?

Why wouldn’t they just do it themselves and keep the money? It is because you are doing something that either they can’t do or they don’t want to do.
When you work, you are rewarded for doing things that other people don’t want to do or can’t do!
Get that; capture that principle.

Most people don’t understand the principle of work. Most people think that anything they do they should be paid for. I worked. I did something. Pay me.

I have employees come to me and say, “I worked till nine o’clock.” I don’t care. Unless they have done something that I can’t do or that I don’t want to do, I am never going to give them very much money for doing it.

So, you have two ways that you can get paid for working, which are can’t do or don’t want to do.

What you should do when you go back to your job is tell your boss to assign you the worst complainers: “If anyone is screaming at you on the telephone, send them to me.”

Would you get paid more or less? More.

If there are really crappy jobs in your company that nobody wants to do, what should you be saying? “Give them to me! Give them to me! Give me the crappy jobs!” Because you will get paid more.

What is the hourly wage of a garbage collector? High or low?

Worldwide it is high.

If you go to an advanced nation with a well developed economy, garbage collectors make lots of money.

Become a garbage collector in Japan. They pay you really, really well. Nobody else wants to collect the garbage.

You could go to the United States and become a garbage collector. They get paid pretty well because other people don’t want to collect the garbage.

This brings us to another important point. If you are going to do either something that people don’t want to do or something that they can’t do, for which would you get paid more?

The “can’t do” jobs.

If they can’t do it, then you get to tell them how much it is going to cost them. If they don’t want to do it and the number that you quote is too high, they will do it themselves even if it is something they don’t like. If they can’t, then they can’t.
You get paid more for doing things that others can’t do than for doing things that others don’t want to do.
The thing that creates economic value is scarcity.

Scarcity is the source of economic value!

There is lots of concrete in the world, and it’s not very expensive.

There are not very many diamonds. They are special. They are expensive.

Concrete and diamonds are both hard substances. They are both useful, but there’s not very many of the one there, so it’s much more expensive.

So, you want to be a diamond instead of a lump of concrete.
It is better to be a diamond than a lump of concrete.
You want to develop skills and talents that nobody else has.

If everybody in your school is studying English as a second language, then you want to study Arabic. Nobody is studying Arabic, so you can go to work for the oil companies and you can talk with all the locals and they will pay you lots of money to do it.

This is my own experience. I came from a family that had to work. I started to work at the age of 11 for $1.18 hour.

All the other students in my class were studying German, Spanish, or French. So I started studying Japanese. I learned to speak Japanese; and in 1983, when I first moved to Japan, there were not very many people who could speak both Japanese and English. The ability was scarce so it was valuable.

When I got my first job, I was paid almost three times as much as the college graduates who were starting the same year with me. It was because I could do something they couldn’t do.

I use to live in an apartment right under an individual who had a very unique skill. It is a completely worthless activity, and yet they pay him millions and millions of dollars every year for hitting the ball with the stick. He has a particular skill and can do things that other people can’t do.

So, that is the first way to make money. If you have a skill that very few other people have, can you make lots of money doing work? Yes.

If you don’t want to do things that other people don’t want to do and you don’t have any unique skills, can you make a lot of money working? No.

However, there is another secret. The reward is always based on the quantity of service plus the quality of service. So, you can work very long hours to become rich at work. Then do it with a positive mental attitude, meaning that you have to be happy. Remember long hours and a positive attitude equals unlimited fortunes.

I wanted to be a anchor, and anchoring fees were not much when I started anchoring 15 years ago. Little insurance offices with six to eight people would have me speak. Then I went to regional meetings, and I could charge more. I started anchoring at $25 a show, then $50, and then $100. Now, I get up to $45,000 for a show, so it pays really well. My average audience is 4,0000 to 5,0000 people. How many people am I serving? The value of work is equal to the quantity of service plus the quality.

Is the quality high? Hopefully, the information I impart—to use a baseball metaphor—is not a first-base hit, not a second base, not a third base, but a grand slam home run with the bases loaded.

You get paid exceedingly well if you are the home run hitter. That is what we are saying.

If you do it with a good attitude, not only do you feel good, everyone around you feels good too. The workers feel good. The employees feel good. The staff feel good.

When we go in with one of my Mega seminars, the hotel says, “You are the most pleasant people.” Why? We set the attitude. My leadership, my team, sets the attitude. So, the whole hotel resonates at a higher level. That is our goal. We want everybody to win, nobody to lose.

This is not a prevailing attitude, but how else do you maintain a positive mental attitude?

Quick summary: Attitude is the multiplier effect that gets added on to the work that you are doing when you are doing other things that people can’t do or don’t want to do.